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秀“英”姿飒爽,展“语”众不同 学百年党史,做时代新人——高二英语演讲比赛风采纪实
发布时间:2021-05-11 13:14:21.0 | 文章来源:文稿:韩英华 摄影:代国伟 张涵博 编辑:宋媛 审核:秦军伟 | 发布人:高二级部

In order to stimulate the students’ patriotism and their enthusiasm to learn English, to improve students' interest in spoken English, to create a better atmosphere for English learning, and to provide more students with a creative and artistic stage, on the evening of May 9th , Taishan Middle High School successfully held the English Speech Contest titled “Love Our Party, Love Our Country” to honor the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China . Our headmaster Mr. Xu were present at the opening ceremony, and delivered a passionate speech. which gave the contestants and  all the teachers students present great inspiration.

为了激发广大学生的爱国之情及学习英语的热情,提高学生们对英语口语的兴趣,营造一个良好的英语学习氛围,为更多的学生提供一个尽情挥洒创意,展现英语风采的舞台, 59日晚上,伟德BETVlCTOR1946高二级部成功举办了“Love Our Party, Love Our Country”为主题的英语演讲比赛以纪念建党100周年校长徐炳伦出席了开幕式并发表热情洋溢的讲话,给了参赛选手及在场的师生们极大的鼓舞。


This speech contest is open to all the students of grade two in our school. All the students enthusiastically make full preparations for it. They turned to their teachers  when meeting with questions, and the teachers offered their advice willingly and patientlycorrecting the mistakes in the passages and their pronunciationswhich greatly countries to a closer relationship between teachers and students.


All the students enthusiastically signed up. In view of the limited number of candidates, we first organized auditions in late April, with every class 2 members selected to take part in the final contest to be held in early May.


We Are Ready! 我们准备好啦!

On the night of May 9th, all the participants as well as the judges punctually turned up in  the speech hall full of energy and confidence, determined to present a wonderful visual and listening feast for us.

5 9 日晚参赛选手及评委老师们准时到达演讲大厅,个个精神饱满,信心十足,决心为我们呈上了一场精彩的英语视听盛宴。

In the contest, all the participants expressed their enthusiasm and their persistence with the authentic pronunciation, their fluency and elegant language and confident smiles conquered all the teachers and students present. For them, what matters most is not whether they can win a prize but that they can enjoy the process of the participation.


Teachers are listening attentively and giving fair judgments.评委老师们认真聆听,公正地评判。

The teachers of English group in Grade 2 served as the judges. According to the contestants' pronunciation, intonation, emotion and fluency, they finally selected 4 students as grand prize,10 students as first prize and 16 students as second prize.

高二年级英语组教师担任评委,从参赛选手的语音、语调、情感及流利程度,最终评选出特等奖4 ,一等奖11名,二等奖16 , 三等奖10


特等级4 :贾依山,张一诺,刘一卓,王琳茹


刘冠一  翟轩毅  姜沅蓉  孙小雨 徐秀锦  姬浩然  周子浩  田松冉 曹晓钰  朱轲欣  赵家辉


孙梦婷/ 贾露欣(组合) 鲁金哲  张雨婷  梁嘉奕 孙淑媛   高绎然    张竞元

温灿妍 陈佳琦   高玉瑶   张辰晨   张子轩 杨申卓   马欣轲   张亚宁  魏杨垒


宁名琪   贺成功   高淑婷   张茜芩   葛娈娈 徐宇航   王晓东   李照秀   王晨旭  丰润

Finally, Mr.Qin made comments on the English Speech Contest. He pointed out that the activity was not only a test for our English teaching , but also a test for the students' sense of participation and competition. In this activityall the contestants not only show  their talents and develop their confidence in themselves, but also enhance their enthusiasm for learning English.


He put forward his suggestions and expectationshoping teachers can successfully and efficiently organize such activities in the future, hoping the students to overcome difficulties on the way, stick to and ultimately realize their dreams .


A beautiful dream is kind of happiness you will ultimately experience as long as  you never give it up. Every student in Taishan Middle High School has a dream in their bottom of heart, when the seeds of dreams begin to come out, every teacher in our school takes care of them heart and soul, expecting these small seeds to grow into a sea of flowers one day.    Although the competition is finished, our will and heart are still going on. We will never stop trying to learn and grow, and we will set sail again to meet bigger challenges!

梦想就是一种幸福的情感, 只要你坚持,你就能体会的到。每位泰山学子心中都有一个梦想,当梦想的种子在心中生根发芽时,每位伟德BETVlCTOR1946的老师都会给予全心全意的呵护。每一名老师都会坚守着自己的教育初心,静待花开,期待终有一日能盛开成一片芬芳的花海。  尽管比赛已完美落幕,但我们不会停歇,不会停止学习成长的脚步。我们会再扬帆起航,迎接更大的挑战!